
7 Reviews

Tablets 60

High quality, concentrated adrenal glandular support is boosted by pituitary and parotid glandulars, along with the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that synergistically contribute to the healthy maintenance of these tissues.

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SKU: adreno-lyph-plus-NWE

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Product Details

Product Code: adreno-lyph-plus-NWE-60-tblts

Quantity per Container: 60 Tablets

Your adrenal glands are important, since they impact many of your major bodily functions, either directly or indirectly. Stress and an unhealthy diet filled with carbohydrates and processed foods can dramatically weaken your adrenal glands. Low adrenal function can cause your body’s health to suffer and lead to issues with your digestive system.

Ratings & Reviews

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10/8/2012 12:00:00 am

Great for reducing over-active adrenos

by IraHayes

Very effective and quick acting! Before my ND encouraged me to take this produce I was overcome with the sensation that can only be described as the ""overwhelming anxiousness"". The palms of my hand would become very itchy to the point I wanted to scrape against concrete edges. After taking this produce the very first time the sensation left me and I am no longer plagued with this sensation of anxiousness. I am 66 years old and take 3 tables daily as part of my overall regiment. There are absolutely no negative points to make about this product.

Not medical or professional advice

10/12/2012 12:00:00 am

Glad this product was introduced to me

by Deb the Artist -

This adrenal formula works well for me. It is a highly recommended product.

Not medical or professional advice

10/22/2012 12:00:00 am

Great for stress, menopause

by RunnerGirl -

I started taking this to help with stress and also found it very effective in alleviating menopause syptoms and night sweats.

Not medical or professional advice

12/13/2012 11:00:00 pm

support for menopause symptoms

by RunnerGirl -

Take 1 tablet 2x/day, one in morning and one in evening. Can be taken with or without food. No stomach issues. Increase dosage if under a lot of stress. Has really helped alleviate night sweats and minimize intensity of hot flashes.

Not medical or professional advice

11/28/2014 11:00:00 pm

Decreases my symptoms of vertigo.

by Not dizzy any more.

Recommended by a friend who also has vertigo. I take two tablets in the morning every day. This has helped decrease vertigo episodes greatly. I would definitely recommend this to others.

Not medical or professional advice

5/29/2015 12:00:00 am

I could tell a difference in energy levels within days!

by BKB -

My chiropracter recommended this and I am so thankful, I could tell a difference in my energy levels with days! My poor adrenal glands must have been totally depleted. Great product.

Not medical or professional advice

4/11/2023 4:48 am

Gives a boost. Smells bad.

by John

According to my naturopath, my adrenals were shot. This seemed to give me a boost for a week or so, but was hard on my stomach, even taken with food 2x day. She also did not mention the horrible odor of these tablets. They smell like fish food. I had to keep then sealed tight in a ziplok. Glad it's working for some people. I'll have to pursue other means.

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